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Johannes Palatius

1646 - 1703

Johannes Palatius (actually Giovanni Palazzi) was born in 1646. He was a Doctor iuris utriusque (doctor of both laws: secular and canonical law); in addition, D. Marci Canonias. He became professor of canonical law in Padua in 1684. He took over the rectorate of Santa Maria in Venice in 1688. He was appointed imperial advisor and historiographer. As such, he composed a great number historical works. Well known is his work on the European rulers and dynasties since Charles the Great, "Monarchia occidentalis a Carolo M. usque ad Leopoldas I," which appeared in eight folio volumes. In his writings, he used the Latin version of his name, Ioannes Palatius. Johannes Palatius died in the year 1703.

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Abraham à Sancta Clara
Neu-eröffnete Welt-Galleria.
3,885 $
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Biblia germanica
Die gantze heilige Schrift
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